Friday, June 14, 2013


in 2011, i had the honor of meeting a few other BLMs when i made my way up to MN. it was an incredible trip - therapeutic, emotional, relaxing, necessary. i had time to meet some the women who had become part my biggest support system since losing Julius.

last weekend, i got a chance to make another similar trip. my rainbow and i made our way to IL to meet several other BLMs and their rainbows. and it was...awesome! i think in total 14 moms (a few dads) and 14 rainbows were in attendence in person (plus our babies that we carried with us in our hearts - the ones that brought us together). and while i didn't know all of the BLMs that were there before the trip, it was still great to just meet them and their rainbows.

it was inspirational to see so many women who have survived the unimaginable. it was wonderful to be able to share my son with people and not fear that i was making them feel uncomfortable. and when i cried (because of course there was crying done by me), no one tried to get me to stop, or spouted out some useless platitude. they let me cry, they brought me tissues, they cried with me.

and those rainbows!!! wow. how those babies were loved and adored by all this weekend! the amount of love that was in that house...well, i'm surprised the house didn't implode in on itself. everyone was just so wonderful with my rainbow, and showed her so much love and affection. it warmed my heart. she usually has to warm up to strangers, but i think even she realized that these women weren't "strangers". i think she knew that these women knew me/my heart, and that they have helped me survive. seriously, i'm not sure how i would have managed the last 2.5 years without their comments, emails, messages, cards, etc.

i'm thankful. i wish i never had to meet those women the way that we did. i wish we all had our babies in our arms. but i appreciate every single one of them that made it last weekend. i appreciate their rainbows because they have brought some happiness into, not only their parents' lives again, but also mine. i appreciate their babies that were not able to be there with us in person, because they led me to their mommas. and i appreciate those BLMs/people who weren't able to be there, for whatever reason, but have shown me support, love, and comfort in the days since losing Julius. living without Julius is the hardest thing i am currently doing, but i'm thankful i have this community walking with me.



Lj82 said...

xox feelings are mutual my friend. And JULI IS TOO MUCH FOR ME! hahaha. :) Love her so much!

Molly said...

Love you my quiet friend, haha!! ;)

Abby Leviss said...

I'm so jealous! It sounds amazing.

Anonymous said...



Brooke said...

I adored Juli before I met her and find her even MORE charming now (if that's possible). Her aggressive affection is the cutest thing ever.

Mama Bear said...

Hugs xoxo

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you all were able to get together, just wish I had known. Not that I would invite myself, but there's so many of you guys that I want to meet in person!

Tiffany said...

There is no such thing as "crashing" or inviting yourself. All are welcome. I hope I get to see you at the next one which I am sure there will be :)

Natasha said...

Yep to everything you said :) So glad to see you and Juli this weekend. And to see her and Mase dance and hug.....made my heart want to burst <3


Addi's mom said...

Community. What a great title. Loved meeting Juju's mama and sister. Beyond special. Until next time my friend!

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

That is such a great title, I agree with Keleen.

Such a lovely recap.

Deanna said...

2011? Has it been that long? Oh my goodness. Hard to believe. I have been so swamped with well, everything that I am slowly catching up. Looks like a lovely time. We need that for our hearts every now and then. PS. I can totally picture Juli and Mason dancing!!

Melissa said...

I just realized I had your incorrect blog address and have been going through reading. I apologize for my delay.

BLM weekend in Chicago was life changing. I am so humbled and grateful to have met you in person and get time with your sweet girl.


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